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The University of Olivet
Kori Ramirez
Nov 11, 2016
Home sweet home?
magine being a prominent fraternity, but being the only fraternity on Olivet’s campus to not have a home to call your own. Then, try...

Brian Freiberger
Nov 11, 2016
Student Engagement Snapshot
During the 2015-16 school year Olivet surveyed first-year and senior students using the National Survey of Engagement (NSSE) to see how...

Devon Mayse
Nov 11, 2016
It's My Echo Birthday
This month marks the 128 non-consecutive year for The Olivet College Echo. In 1888, the publication began as a monthly journal. According...

Shelby Stadt
Oct 28, 2016
What's creeping around Mott hallways?
Name: Bowser Species: Bearded Dragon Scientific Name: Pogona Age: Between 7-9 years old Sex: Male Bowser was taken care of very well,He...

Devon Mayse
Oct 28, 2016
Olivet's signed snapshots
As any Olivetian knows, Olivet College is a beautiful place. There are countless pictures of the college in every season, and students...

Brian Freiberger
Oct 28, 2016
THE NEXT STEP Graduate School? Some advice
Co-author Ken Poff, Ph.D., of the book "So you Want to Go to Graduate School ?" presented the importance of going to graduate school to a...

Echo Staff
Oct 28, 2016
WOCR 89.1 celebrates College Radio Day: Nov. 4
The staff of 89.1, WOCR Olivet College radio, invites the campus to celebrate the spirit of student broadcasting on College Radio Day,...
Ashton Osborne
Oct 14, 2016
Trailing pages around Olivet
Just recently, Olivet College recognized Banned Book Week. The annual event is celebrated during the last week of September. It was...
Devon Mayse
Oct 14, 2016
Olivet bell continues to toll
Comets hear its call almost daily, coming from the center of the college square. It is more than 150 years old. It is infamously known as...

Re’Gene Thompson
Oct 14, 2016
Mid-Semester: How are we doing?
It is mid-terms, and that means under 40 days until the end of the semester for Olivet College. Friday Dec. 9 marks the last day for...
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