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The University of Olivet
A Non-Trad View: Having Responsibilities In, Outside of Classes
A subject that does not get enough spotlight would be students that go to college and have children. As a mother of five, two having...
Savana Bioty
Oct 2, 2018
Senior Sendoff
“I can’t wait to graduate.” This is what I would always say during my time here, and now, the time has come, and I am saying, “I’m scared...
Miguel Marin
Apr 16, 2018

Creative Wonderlust Introduction
I am an artisan of inspiration. I am a writer, artist and musician. Create Inspire Teach I am also a freshman with much to learn about...
Leah Miller
Mar 1, 2018

What does valentine’s day mean to you?
Valentine’s Day is one holiday that 62 percent of people all around America celebrate according to the Census Bureau. One thing that...
Brandi Schonter
Feb 15, 2018
This is what happens when you give Greek life a try
Before I started college, if someone would have told me that I would have pledged a Greek house, I probably would have laughed in their...
Ashton Osborne
Jan 23, 2018

Brighter Days: The art of learning
Close to 70 years ago, there was a little girl named Gillian who really struggled in school. Because she was fidgety and unable to focus,...
Summer Sunnock
Oct 24, 2017

Brighter Days: Can you hear me now?
When they were younger, my grandparents would stay up for hours playing cards with their friends. They would sit, eat, and talk all night...
Summer Sunnock
Sep 21, 2017

Brighter days - The Discontent Traveler
When I was younger, I hated the town I lived in. It was small, there was nothing to do, and I felt like I would never make anything of...
Summer Sunnock
Mar 31, 2017
Brighter days- Sharpen your ax
Abraham Lincoln once said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax.” This quote has...
Summer Sunnock
Mar 3, 2017
Brighter days- Be Kind
Two summers ago, I went to Guatemala and I realized the people there are very different from the people in America. Not in the sense that...
Summer Sunnock
Feb 3, 2017

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