When people think of minority, they think of it in black and white. But at a recent minority student forum here at Olivet, students from minority groups of all backgrounds were represented.
This March 23 meeting was held so that minority organization could get together to discuss topics in an organized meeting with both students, faculty and staff. About a dozen people attended.
The groups that were represented were Black Student Union (BSU), the National Organization for Women (NOW), the Xicano Club, Gay Straight Alliance (GSA), the International Club, and the Disability Right Council.
A wide variety of topics was covered from both the previous year, such as improving handicap accessibility on campus, to topics that were brought up this year, such as providing an area where people of different religions can worship. Jenna Braschler, freshman, said, “I like this forum because there are a lot of different groups on campus and this helps create coherent conversation.”
There are projects that are underway by several organizations. For instance, the Disability Rights Council has organized a Service Day project where they will be putting Braille on signs around campus. The International Club is hosting an event in the planetarium on April 5. There was also discussion of an International Day to bring awareness to all of the cultures that are on campus, as well as a cultural dinner that would be prepared by people form that culture to help students understand and become interested in the topics and issues that are brought up by the clubs.
“Although we are minorities,” said Tyler Douglas, junior, “we can come together to form a larger party to work toward things we all care a lot about and promote inclusion across campus.”
The Student Clubs and Organizations section of the Olivet College web site features dozens of clubs and opportunities open to students. Each group must organize and present executive members and abide by the Olivet College Compact. Faculty and staff advisors also serve these student