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Olivia Velasquez

An Overview of the Garfield Lake Review

Since 1971, the Garfield Lake Review has released an issue of the magazine, annually, to provide people the opportunity to be published authors. states it is a[n] “annual literary and visual arts magazine produced by Olivet College students.”

Each fall semester, the editorial team accepts submissions of poetry, fiction, art, photography, and any other form of original work to consider for the magazine's final publication the following spring. Oct. 19 has come and passed, and with it, the final deadline for submissions to the Garfield Lake Review.

While community members wait for the newest edition of the magazine, how exactly does the process work from here?

Meredith Dodson, faculty advisor, said the team received over one hundred submissions this year, also noting that years past have seen around half of the published work coming from the Olivet community. She also explained the process of choosing work to feature. She pointed to Andrenae Johnson, editor of the Garfield Lake Review, as one of the students in charge of the processes.

Andrenae Johnson, senior , said the process of choosing works is a “blind process.”

“The purpose of the blind submissions are so that we don’t know whose piece we are accepting or rejecting,” said Johnson. “We want everyone… to trust us.”

With a team of six students, the editors will read through each submission and decide which works will be featured in the next edition. Once the pieces are chosen, the team will learn the identities of the authors so they can be properly notified. Production will begin shortly after and Johnson said the 51st edition of the Garfield Lake Review can be expected in Spring of 2021, with an estimate of April.


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