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  • Ashley Vosburgh

Battle of the Homecoming Banners

UO’s Homecoming Banner Parade

Photo of all banners painted by student organizations. Photo taken by SGA.

Various Clubs, Organizations, and Greek Houses from The University of Olivet put in time and effort to create large banners representing their group. 

“Our house worked really hard to present our banner so our alumni can see it on Saturday.” said Taylor Marsh, senior, Soronian House. Marsh said the goal was “to show support for our house and the spirit of Homecoming”.

“We really want to get the word out about different clubs,” said Valerie Nelson, sophomore, treasurer of the Gruen Chemistry Club. Nelson said “Our club is for everyone, not just chemistry majors. We would love to have people with all interests join, it would have helped to have an art major in our group to help design this banner”. 

Faith Fluker, freshman and SGA’s (Student Government Association) Diversity Representative said this year’s Homecoming theme, Game night,“was voted on by the Student Government Association”, and can be seen featured in each banner. 

Nelson said, “I play scrabble on my phone so it inspired the middle of our design. The border is monopoly themed but we replaced the icons with different chemistry terms and things about our club”

Groups used imagery and symbols affiliated with their organization, to create a banner that puts an image to their names. 

Nadia H. Tijerina, junior and SGA media representative said,  “To me and my sorority Nu Gamma Xi, banners are a good way to express what our sorority means, the White tiger is our mascot and the tiger lily is our house flower”.

Now it’s time for the student body to vote for their favorite. 

Students are encouraged to check their email or Instagrams for photos of each banner. Click on the link in your email to vote or follow the link below:

The voting period is now until Thursday, Oct. 3 at midnight. Once the calculations have been made, “The banner parade winners will be sent out in an email ” , said Fluker.

There will be a parade Saturday, Oct. 5, at 11 a.m. featuring all of the Organizations with their banners. 

The top three banners with the most votes will be featured during the Homecoming football game at 2 p.m. The winning organizations will walk the track, showing off their banners at halftime, just before the announcement of Homecoming King and Queen.

The SGA said “Happy voting and good luck to those who made a banner!”

Written by Ashley Vosburgh


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