Last year at Olivet College was different and odd for most students due to the pandemic. Things have changed since then. This semester, Olivet College has less restrictions for face masks and free vaccinations are being offered on campus.

“I am glad I get to enjoy the college experience again and interact with my peers face to face,” said Kate Mcelhone, senior. “I am so glad we can experience going to games and events around campus. I have been able to be more social than last year but I still try to keep myself within my close friends and teammates. I am glad we are able to be back on campus in face to face classes.”

"It makes me happy to see life starting to go back to normal,” said Julia
Mellinger, junior. “But every time it's a setback it scares me. I’m really excited for homecoming. I've never experienced one in college before. I never really got to know anyone last year due to covid restrictions. Being a new student with the pandemic really sucked. I've already made so many new friends and we’re only a month in or so.”

“I think the COVID-19 restrictions are much more relaxed than last year,” said Macy Gorrell, junior, “which I am thankful for but I think it's good that masks are still required as COVID-19 is still very prevalent. I’m super excited to have a real soccer season this fall. I’m also looking forward to homecoming because I know many alumni, including my sister. I’m excited for them to come back to OC. I’m protecting myself from COVID-19 by wearing a mask and social distancing. I’m also vaccinated. I have been able to be more social and have made many new friends that I hope to keep the rest of my life. This year has already been better than last year by far.”

“I like the less restrictions because I feel more free and able to be more social,” said Masen Martell, sophomore. “I’m excited to go to football games and more campus hosted events. I feel like people are more comfortable coming out of their rooms, so it’s easier to meet new people on campus.”
Images Sent by Students
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