Mardi Gras is a celebration for Catholics to come together the last day before lent begins. Which is a period of fasting before Easter.
A writer, Amanda Onion, says that it happens, “on the day before the religious season of Lent begins.
Huge celebrations are in big cities like New Orleans and Brazil. The University of Olivet had its own, toned down celebration.
On March 4, the Kirk Center (KC) held a Mardi Gras style celebration with inspiration from New Orleans. They served alligator bites with the other food which allowed students to come out of their comfort zone.
Sam Howard, a freshman, tried the alligator for the first time. “I have never tried anything like alligator before. I’m usually not big on trying new foods, I like to stick with what I know.”
There was also a live band performing New Orleans themed music. Kem Blassingame, a sophomore, enjoyed the music. “The music was great. I liked the whole atmosphere of the KC tonight.”
Some games were spread out in the KC including Jenga and giant Connect Four.
Written by Logan Walton