At The University Of Olivet, Greek life has been a part of student life since the school's opening. In 1847, Olivet College founded its first fraternity, Phi Alpha Pi, and the oldest female collegiate society in the U.S, Iota Kappa Omicron.
In all fraternities and sororities, there is a two week process to welcome new members called pledging. The beginning of pledging is dependent on what the house chooses, either during the fall, winter, or spring/ ILT but most houses participate in winter pledging.
Winter pledging starts with smokers or teas which is a way for potential pledges to get to know the house. People interested in joining the society will learn about the history of each house.
“Teas and smokers help houses reach out to independents to help them get to know members of the houses and see and learn about the houses,” Mya Kinnunen, senior, pledge class 2024, member of Iota Kappa Omicron.
A house can have three smokers or teas in total. After their three smokers/ teas, each house will pick which people they think are the best fit for their house.
When a house decides on who they would like to join them, they will send out bids which is a piece of paper with your name on it telling you which fraternity or sorority wants you to join them
The beginning of pledging starts with a running night, running night is when all houses bring their pledges to Mott Auditorium for a "meet the pledges night".
Running night has changed over the years but in the past, each house would go up to the middle of the Auditorium and say what house they are, and then one by one the names of the people pledging say their names.
After every house is done, they would return to their home and begin their pledging process the next day. According to The University Of Olivet website, this tradition has been dated back to around the 1920s at Olivet but is only on record as starting in the 1950s.
“I'm excited to see the new members for houses on running night, “ said Kaliq White senior, president Of ISC, and member of Alpha Phi Kappa Fraternity Inc.

After running night, pledging begins and lasts two weeks. On the final night of pledging, pledges get a shirt with the letters of their new house signifying they made it through pledging and are now official members of their greek society.
“I can’t wait to see what pledging brings and to be a part of a house if I make it through,” Said Church Masnica, a freshman, pledging Alpha Xi Omega.
Olivet is home to 11 social societies four female sororities: Eta Psi Kappa, Nu Gamma Xi, Sigma Beta, and Iota Kappa Omicron. Six male fraternities: Adelphic Alpha Pi, Alpha Phi Kappa, Alpha Xi Omega, Kappa Sigma Alpha, Mu Omega Pi, and Phi Alpha Pi. And one co-educational society: Alpha Lambda Epsilon.
Written by Brayden Craig